Kakegurui Chapter 1 Page 5
In Italian: Scuola Secondaria Privata Hyakkou.
Fondata 122 anni fa, è un istituto con una lunga tradizione alle spalle ed è indirizzato a un certo ceto sociale. Molti studenti di questa scuola provengono da famiglie che hanno una certa importanza in campo politico o nell'economia mondiale.
In questa, gli studenti non vengono valutati per la perseveranza negli studi o per l'abilità negli sport.
Questo perchè cose simili non sono importanti per le persone destinate a comandare gli altri.
Per questa gente, è molto più importante essere esperti nell'ideare tattiche, leggere menti. E avere la forza di accaparrarsi la vittoria.
Per oggi è tutto.
Finalmente è finita.
Ora che fai?
In altri termini, si tratta dell'abilità nel...
In English: Private Hyakkou Secondary School.
Established 122 years ago, it's an institute with long tradition behind it and is addressed to a certain social class. Most students in this school come from families who have certain importance in politics or in the worlds economy.
Here students aren't evaluated for perseverance in studies or athletics.
This is because these are not important to people who are commanding others. (TL: wait what, how? I'm pretty sure academic knowledge is pretty important unless you want the business to fail...)
For these people it's much more important to be experts in developing tactics, reading minds. And having the strength to gain victory.
That's all for today.
It's finally finished.
What should we do now?
In other words, this is the skill in...
TL: Ok so first of all that's pretty stupid "developing tactics, reading minds" this is what it translates to but I think it means something along the lines of innovation and reading the stock market or manipulating others. While these are important for people at the top it's also under the assumption that people that aren't in that position won't be able to get there no matter what... Anyways that's another page done from scratch this time since this page is written completely differently than the sample I have... Oh also I plan on using this colour for background characters (since I'm also reading along with you if a background character becomes important I'll change the colour then, or not since that could be a spoiler... Hmmm.)
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